The tale begins in 1976, when our Chairman Colin Mustoe began designing and manufacturing office furniture. In the early days he would even build and deliver the products to customers himself. All these years on and although we’ve grown in to one of the largest office furniture manufacturers in the world, we remain an independent, family-owned business.

All the things that were important to us in the beginning; our attention to detail, integrity, investment in people and passion for design, are still very much running through the veins of our business today.

Your reputation and ours depends on the strength of our product quality and service, which is why we go above and beyond to ensure we never let you down. The reason we consistently keep our promises is that we manage every step of the process from beginning to end, leaving nothing to chance and everything to our own people and our chosen dealer network.

We have ambitious plans for growth and development which means the next chapter of our story is going to be an exciting one and one we want you to be a part of.